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Movie Reveiws
Here you will find movie reviews. This will tell you about all the movies I can find. I have only seen 6 or 7 of them so this will be something new for me. Enjoy

#1 The Dead Zone
This movie realy starts when Goku is gone out to get food and ChiChi and Gohan are at home alone. The Ox King comes with gifts for Gohan. All of a sudden you see the Ox King fall to the ground and Gralic Jr. standing behind him with alot of other guys. They hurt ChiChi and take Gohan for the dragonball on his hat. Goku comes home and ask ChiChi what had happened and she tells him. Gralic Jr. summons the Dragon and wishs for immortality. He then beats up Kame for revenage of his father Goku, Piccolo, and Krillan then show up. They beat Gralic Jr.'s men and then Goku and Piccolo fight Gralic Jr. Gralic Jr. can not beat them so he opens the dead zone and Gohan comes out of no where powers up and Gralic Jr. go flying into the dead zone.
#2 The World's Strongest
It started off as Gohan and Oolong we in some frozin mountians, they were trying to get the dragonballs (they were all in one spot). As soon as they got to the top of one mountain the dragon was sommuned by Dr.Weelo's assistnat he wish that Dr. Whello would be freed from his icy chamber. Gohan and Oolong are then atcaked by little green men but Piccolo then saves them and after the battle a big beam of light goes over Piccolo and he disappers Gohan nad Oolong go home and do not tell any body. Then the same green men show up at kame house and they take Master Roshi to fight some of Dr. wheelo creations. Master Roshi fails to win and then Bulma said that Goku was the strongest person in the world so Goku hears about the news and goes to the place where Dr.wheelo is. He fights the creations and wins then him Gohan ans Krillan have to fight Piccolo because he has some type of metal thing on his head that controls him Gohan get realy mad and powers up and the metal thing breaks. Piccolo is now good and Dr.Wheelo finds out he can not beat Goku so flies up into spac with Piccolo and Gohan flowing him. Goku makes a spirt bomb and kills Dr.Wheelo.
#3 The Tree Of Might
Gohan, Oolong, Krillan, and Bulma are camping when a space ship falls into the forst and it catchs on fire. Krillan, and Gohan fight and put out the fire. Then they gather all the dragonballs and wish the forst back to the way it was befor the fire. During the fire Gohan helps a dragon who follows him and becomes his friend. ChiChi does not want the dragon to stay but Goku bulids a little home (hide out from ChiChi) for the dragon to stay. Gohan names the dragon Ekeris.In the space ship that crashed was a saiy-jin named Turles. He wants to find Goku or Gohan so that they would join him in takeing over planets.Turles plants an energy tree so that he can take over the world. The tree drains energy from the world and will kill the earth. Goku finds out from King Ki and he and the Z wariors go to fight him and his little men. Krillan and the others beat Turles men and Goku kills Trules with a Spirit bomb, and when Trules dies so dose the Tree.